Presented by the Center for Genomic Science Innovation
Summer 2022
From helping an unusual request to being the first institution to partner with the Defense POW/MIA agency, Charles Konsitzke explains how the UW MIA RIP uses eDNA to locate and identify missing in action soldiers.
A leading researcher in genetic risk factors with a focus in cardiovascular disease, Dr. Lo Sardo shares some of her trajectory and research.
Ting Jin, a Ph.D. student developing interpretable machine learning models, explains her research and shares what she learned during her time at UW.
News and Events
Genomics Seminars
  • **Special Seminar**
Monday, June 13, 1:30 pm,
Eric Green, Director of NHGRI, "Creating the Fourth Chapter of Human Genomics", Biotechnology Center Auditorium, Room 1111

Fall 2022 - 1:30 pm first Thursday of the month
  • September 8, Shengdar Tsai, St. Jude Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
  • October 6, Tim Reddy, Duke University
  • October 13, Matt Anderson, Ohio State University, Special Seminar: Indigenous Genomics
  • November 3, Jun Wan, Indiana University
  • December 1, Dana Pe'er, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
The Bioinformatics Resource Core workshop on Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) Data Analysis skills on Linux-based systems is now open for registration:

CGSI Genomics retreat:  Tuesday, June 28, WID forum.  By registration only.

Genomics Data Carpentry workshop, Data Science Hub.  9am-12:30pm August 1-4, 8-9.  More information and registration in late June/early July available at the workshops webpage

Fall Courses 
Animal Science 375:  Concepts in Genomics
BMI/CS 576: Introduction to Bioinformatics
BME 780: Methods in Quantitative Biology
BMI 876: Computational Network Biology
Genetics 885:  Advanced Genomic & Proteomic Analysis
We are hiring!
Campus Technology Updates

  • UWBC DNA Sequencing Core has acquired a second PacBio Sequel II sequencer. With the addition of this instrument, they can meet the high demand for accurate, long read sequencing. Additionally, they are offering ultra-long DNA extraction and sequencing using the Oxford Nanopore Ultra-Long DNA Sequencing Kit
  • UWBC Bioinformatics Resource Center (BRC) has moved to suite 2130 in the Biotechnology Center. BRC has also made major changes to the website in the last year, such as the inclusion of a form to request analysis from BRC
  • UWBC Genome Editing Core has dramatically built out their cell line genome editing platform, including instrumentation to print verified, single cells and to continuously track clonal outgrowth with automated brightfield and fluorescence imaging (Cytena f.sight and Molecular Devices CloneSelect Imager FL coupled to an automated incubator with a robotic arm, respectively)
  • Animal Models Core upgraded their cryopreserved (mouse and rat sperm and embryos) data into a web access database