Hub Updates is the UW-Madison data science community's resource for news, trainings & workshops, and professional opportunities in data science.

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February 24, 2021


Data Science News

Available Now: Wisconsin COVID-19 Public Use Data
The Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW) has released their first public-use data set, featuring Wave I of the COVID-19 Community Impact Survey data! Visit their new COVID-19 data webpage to access the data today. Please contact the SHOW team with specific questions at their research email.

About the Data:
SHOW invited over 5,000 past participants from across Wisconsin to complete a COVID-19 online health survey. In May and June of 2020, over 1,400 SHOW participants reported how COVID-19 has impacted their lives. Topics cover social determinants of health, spanning areas such as access to healthcare appointments, employment changes, changes to overall well-being, mental health symptom screening, diet and more.

Research Funding Opportunity: American Family Funding Initiative
The American Family Funding Initiative offers grants of $75-150K to stimulate and support cutting-edge, highly innovative and groundbreaking research in the rapidly growing field of data science. American Family Insurance has partnered with UW–Madison through the American Family Insurance Data Science Institute (AFIDSI) to provide this research funding opportunity. All UW–Madison faculty and staff with PI status are eligible to apply. Due March 17th. Learn more here.

Upcoming Trainings & Workshops

ALT 2021 Mentorship Workshop - Off-campus
Mar, 4-5. The workshop will focus on building technical and networking skills while giving participants an opportunity to interact with fellow researchers in the field. | Register

Introduction R/Rstudio
Mar 8, This workshop is aimed at researchers interested in using R methods and is a general introduction to using R/Rstudio. THIS SESSION is meant specifically for those that are interested in "Analysis of QIIME2 microbiome results" but lack R experience. | Register

Upcoming Seminars & Events

SILO Seminar Series, 12:30 p.m.
Feb 24, Statistical Aspects of Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Optimization Estimators, Jose Blanchet.

Learning. This event will be discussing how recently, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have gained attention due to their efficient data acquisition. In addition, compared with other imaging modalities, hyperspectral data can offer higher spectral fidelity for constructing narrow-band vegetation indices for yield modeling. Register here.

Mar 4, WACM Biweekly Social Lunches. WACM's Biweekly lunches are a fun way to enjoy lunch and interact with peers! We'll discuss topics related to CS such as networking, scholarships, grad school applications, and learn from each other in a fun, and laidback setting. More information here.

AI and Inequalities - Creating Change
Feb 26, From Ethics to Organizing: Getting Serious about AI, Meredith Wicker
Mar 5, Series Panel Event and Public Q&A with Meredith Wicker, Timnet Gebru, & Sabelo Mhlambi.

Feb 26, Colonialism in Open Data and Mapping
This webinar consists of examining and discussing the balance of community digital information, decolonizing open data and open mapping, and representation and power in humanitarian mapping, among others. Register here.

Mar 1-5. The Open Science Grid All-Hands Meeting (conference).
Some event titles offered are: OSG as an Agile Computing Environment, Evolving the OSG Fabric of Services, and OSG and Multi-Institution Collaborations. Register here.

Mar 16, Equitable A.I. and Africa’s Futures
AI4Afrika invites you to attend and engage with a panel of scholars and industry leaders who will discuss ways artificial intelligence could be leveraged for social good. Register here.

Student Opportunities

Social Impact Internship-Summer 2021, The Force for Positive Change Program
This position is for a student at a two-year or four-year college or university in Wisconsin,
graduate student, or post-doc looking for real world experience in achieving social impact.This internship program is designed to connect interested emerging professionals with social enterprises. The program will fund interns working at participating social enterprise during the summer. Apply by March 5th.

Deep Learning Theory Summer School 2021, Princeton
The school will run remotely from July 27 to August 4, 2021 and is aimed at graduate students interested in the theory of deep learning. The primary goal is to showcase, through three main courses and a variety of short talks, a range of exciting developments. Applications due March 31st. Learn more here.

The School of Information is hosting a 12-week intensive summer Research Experience for Master’s Students (REMS) from iSchool master’s programs, schools of library and information science, or related programs, June 1 – August 20, 2021. Email: with questions.

Professional Opportunities


Off Campus

Earth and Environmental Data Science Curriculum Developer and Instructor, University of Colorado
This position is looking for a go-getter who is enthusiastic about teaching and learning, is committed to increasing diversity in STEM fields and has demonstrated that in their career to date. Ideally you work well both independently and collaboratively, have experience supporting students learning technical skills and are quick to learn new technical skills. This is a full-time position with benefits and a market-based salary. Apply ASAP.

President's Postdoctoral Fellow Position, School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Tech.
Successful candidates will be expected to perform independent research at the cutting edge of their field in collaboration with a faculty mentor within the school. Candidates will be evaluated on their academic accomplishments, the strength of their research proposal, and their potential for faculty careers that will contribute to diversity and equal opportunity through their teaching, research and service. Learn more here.

Data Analyst, University of Rochester New York
The River Campus Libraries seeks a creative and collaborative Data Analyst to join the Research Initiatives department. The Data Analyst plays a key role in encouraging and guiding the high-level collection, use, and analysis of data to support and enrich the university’s research activities, and to understand and demonstrate the impact of the university’s research enterprise. Apply here.

Postdoc Openings: Causality focused position & Learning focused position, University of Singapore
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