UW-Madison Graduate School Office of Professional Development

Industry Career Panel for Graduate Students: Explore how to Apply Scientific Research and Academic Skills to Industry

March 20,2025
11:45 AM - 1:15 PM
Pyle Center, Alumni Lounge

Interested in taking your skills beyond academia? Hear from a panel of PhD-holding industry leaders as they share insights on breaking into industry. Over lunch, participants will have the opportunity to connect with peers across disciplines and engage in conversation with panelists about career goals and opportunities.

Requests for disability-related accommodations

Do you require any disability-related accommodations (such as sign language interpreters, CART, Braille or large-print documents) to participate in this program? Please let us know by emailing gspd@grad.wisc.edu.

Requests should be made no less than two weeks before the event. We will attempt to fulfill requests made after this date but cannot guarantee they will be met.

Register to attend:

Use your @wisc.edu email.
You can find your Campus ID on your Wiscard (University ID card)

Select all that apply.