SJMC Weekly Announcements


Professor Mike Wagner provides analysis of the State of the Union for WISC-TV and Bloomberg

Mike spent the night of the State of the Union and the following morning providing analysis of the event on WISC-TV. He also spoke to Bloomberg about the State of the Union and President Biden's visit to Wisconsin on February 7. Read the article in Bloomberg and be sure to watch Mike on Spectrum's Sunday morning show on February 19 talking about Governor Ever's budget proposal.


Article in Journalism Practice

Professor Katy Culver and alum Jason Shepard (PhD'09) have a new publication in Journalism Practice examining two controversies involving students newspaper coverage of campus protests related to race and ethnicity. Opinion journalism focusing on the two cases involved themes of free expression rights and values, journalism ethics and racial justice. When student journalists challenged the boundaries of practice and ethics, professional journalists responded negatively. The piece highlights universities’ dual missions of supporting free expression and advancing the goals of diversity, equity and inclusion. Read in Journalism Practice.

Article in Journal of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

PhD student Matt Minich and Professor Chris Cascio's article, "Neural correlates associated with conformity in adolescent and young adult men," was published in the Journal of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. The study examines the differences in how adolescent and young adult men process social feedback and conformity. Read more in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.

Article in Global Perspectives' special issue on "The Future of Multilateralism and Global Development”

PhD student Omar Dumdum's article "The Public’s Role in Politicizing International Issues: Why Multilateralism Needs to Take Public Opinion More Seriously," was published in Global Perspectives, and is part of the journal’s special issue on “The Future of Multilateralism and Global Development” written by international studies scholars and practitioners. In his article, Omar introduces a framework that traces how international issues evolve from having high consensus to being highly contested, or vice versa, by disentangling public contestation from elite contestation. This article is part of Omar’s larger dissertation project. Read more in Global Perspectives.

Chapter in Handbook on Democracy and Security

"Why do populists flip-flop on soldiers? The drug war’s civil–military commitment problem” is a chapter co-authored by PhD student Omar Dumdum with two other Political Science PhD candidates (Ned Littlefield and Oliver Lang) in the recently released Handbook on Democracy and Security. Using game theoretic principles, Omar and colleagues uncover the puzzle on why populist leaders — both left and right — are unable to commit to their campaign promises on drug war militarization, as evidenced by four case studies in Bolivia, Mexico, Brazil and the Philippines. Read a preview on Google Books.


The Mass Communication Research Center presents the 2023 Ivan L. Preston Research Colloquium

Join us throughout the spring to hear from distinguished scholars about their research across the field of mass communication. The first presentation, "Intergenerational, Emergent, Embodied: Black Feminist Research & Generating Useful Knowledges," features Catherine Squires, Professor Emerita at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, on Friday, February 24 from 2-3:30 p.m. Join the virtual event.

Communication Crossroads Conference

Join us in Vilas on Friday, March 3, 2023 for Communication Crossroads, University of Wisconsin–Madison’s preeminent graduate conference, hosted by the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Run by graduate students for graduate students, this annual conference provides a friendly environment to practice presenting research, and the opportunity to gain feedback from faculty and peers. See how colleagues and potential collaborators from cross campus are engaging issues of media, communication and society. Learn more.

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