Professor Sue Robinson and Field Day Lab win two Games for Change Awards
Sue and the team at UW-Madison's Field Day Lab received two Games for Change Awards for their game, Headlines and High Water. The team was awarded the Best in Learning and Best in Civics awards. Congratulations, Sue!
Associate professor Lindsay Palmer and PhD alum Kiran Bhatia publish new article in Journalism Studies
Lindsay and Kiran recently published their article, "U.S. War Correspondents Tweeting Ukraine: A Case Study in Transnational Meta-Journalistic Discourse," in Journalism Studies. Their paper investigates how war correspondents working for U.S.-based news organizations Tweeted about the early stages of the 2022 war in Ukraine, focusing particularly on instances when these war reporters contributed to a distinctly transnational version of what Matt Carlson has termed “metajournalistic discourse” (2016). Read the full article.