After 10 years at SJMC,
Pam Garcia-Rivera is retiring. Her energy and commitment has been shown through the various events and projects she has produced over the past decade. Events including the advertising and communication career fair, graduation, alumni awards, and department gatherings are productions Garcia-River explained she will miss in retirement, but the people are the hardest to leave.
“The people are what makes the job,” Garcia-Rivera said. “I’ve met some wonderful and great students, I have great alumni connections and they’ve been really interesting, kind and generous with their time and money. The staff and faculty, all the people that I connect with, sometimes the employers that I’ve worked with, they’ve all been really great partners.”
Congratulations, Pam!
Undergraduate academic advisor Sandra Kubat receives OACS First-Time National Conference Attendee Grant
Sandra recently received the UW–Madison Office of Academic and Career Success First-Time National Conference Attendee Grant to attend the NACADA National Conference in Pittsburgh this fall. The $2,210 grant will help to fund Sandra's trip to Pittsburgh and allow her to learn from national peers. Congratulations, Sandra!
Professor Mike Wagner co-moderates debate for Dane County Executives
In an event co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters and the CCCR, Mike Wagner will co-moderate a debate between Dane County Executive candidates on 7/29 at Sequoya Library.
Professor Mike Wagner featured on various news media outlets
Director Katy Culver featured on WTMJ
Katy spoke to Brian Noonan and Kristin Brey on 620 WTMJ about whether President Biden's address to the nation this week broke the equal time law.
Listen to the full interview.
PhD alum Yidong (Steven) Wang selected as 2024 ESC Distinguished Dissertation Award recipient
Dr. Yidong (Steven) Wang, who defended in 2022, has just been selected as the 2024 ESC Distinguished Dissertation Award recipient. This award by the Engagement Scholarship Consortium recognizes emerging scholars who advance research on community engagement scholarship through rigorous and innovative dissertation inquiry and whose work contributes to the field by having the potential for impact on the study, practice, and policies of community engagement. The award comes with $1000. Dr. Wang, after finishing a two-year postdoc at the University of Kansas this month, is starting a tenure-track assistant professor of Critical Media Studies in the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences, & Communication at Lawrence Technological University. Congratulations, Yidong!